I have made this really cool box with my BFF's a while ago, I'll tell you what it's made of...

1 cigar box, no cigars in it though


a set of stickers you enjoy

stuff that you and your friends like

funny pics

Ok you take a cigar box, with no cigars in it. Personalize it with your fave stickers on the outside of the box.

Now fill the box with the stuff you and your friends enjoy. now open the box look at where under the lid is, now paste the funny pics that you have on to that space, this is for cheering yourself up on a bad day. I  would recommend that you  make a friendship box with who ever you are friends you are making the box about like example: Little tisha, Miss Old Hag, or Miss Nage. Get it! make who ever you friends with one. I made on with my friend _______ and my cousin/ BFF ________  we all have one that we personalized 2 match our friendship. So have 1- ? boxes (I don't know who all your best friends are so I don't know how many boxes you need!)

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