Here are some stuff 4 animal lovers, I mean serious animal lovers!

 4 all you vegitarians out there, well mostly my cousin ________ cause she requested me to put this on, all the un-   vegetarian products, i know how it is because I'm also a vegetarian.

Gelatin- Boiled down cow and pig skin. tendons,ligaments, and bones to make a thickener

Casien- curdled milk (vegan)

Honey- it kills bees in the process of getting it

Lard- fat from a hogs abdomen (hog tush fat)

Pepsin- clotting agent from a pigs stomach

Stearic Acid- substance taken from a pig, cow, sheep,cat and dogs stamach

Cetyl Palmitite- waxy stuff taken from a whale or dolphin head

Urea- animal body fluids or urine from animals 

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